Aaron Rogers continues to wait

Three weeks ago, it seemed as if it was at risk of slipping into irrelevant. Now, she is at the center of the NFL spotlight.

And everyone wants to know what Aaron Rogers will do in 2025.

Four times NFLMVP participated in the RX3 Charity Flag football game on Saturday. We have taken a high and low search for any indicator that Rogers have anything to say, anyone about anyone. We have not seen any price from it.

The rumor mill would be with his input or without it. And we have seen reports and conflicts in every direction as possible: steellers, vikings, giants, and even possible retirement.

Retirement is a new one. Although the Rogers has not personally paid attention to this situation (and in silence powers, if not speculated, make speculations), reports that he wants to return to the jets he wants to play this year. And this, if he wants to play for a permanently misguided franchise like jets, he plays for anyone.

The impression was fueled by the news that during the week of scouting, he reached the jinn. He confirmed the notion that he wanted to play – and reinforced the appearance that his services were not interested in widespread.

Since then, the steellers have reduced Justin Fields, Vikings saw Sam Darnold’s mark with Seattle, and the giants did not include the position (but for a one -year deal with Tommy Divito).

On Saturday, Thythhletic Dot Com Posted a three -by -line article Regarding Rogers’ interest in the Vikings. It was still the most definite link between Rogers and Minnesota.

To identify this, at risk of punishing privately or publicly, the CAL connection between one of the three names of the Rogers and the article (Mike Silver) gives the CAL connection report further, because it is easy to conclude that the Rogers either did not provide information or they did not tell the silver that they were. The way, the way, the way away.

According to the report, “Rogers are hoping to sign with the Vikings.” And the Vikings Rogers are “firmly weighing the possibility”.

The report claims that Rogers want a Darnold -style contract at 33.5 million every year. It is at the bottom of a reasonable for a quarterback like Rogers, whose agent is probably pushing him to expect further. (The agent, of course, receives the percentage of whatever Rogers receives. In addition, some agents want their names to be associated with contracts that objective all parts.)

Thythletic.com’s item paints the situation as a simple. Rogers are waiting for the Vikings to decide, and they have stopped steellers and giants until they get a response from Minnesota.

It is unclear why the Rogers Brett Fever would like to take the next step on the carrier arc, especially since the joining of the Vikings was added to the Public Enemy No. 1 in Green Bay. Although the fences were finally found, the Fever had to bear a game in the Lambu Field in 2009, during which it was increased from the beginning to the end. Rogers may not be interested in those who loved him for so long, if only for a season or less than a day.

Vikings’ interest in the Rogers is also confusing. First, the Rogers only showed the brightness of winning the back -to -back MVP award in 2020 and 2021. Vikings need to see what they have in JJ McCarti. If he is associated with the 41 -year -old Rogers for two years, McCarthy (and maybe) can request a trade.

For the Vikings, the Rogers may be the difference between another “good enchh is good enough” and return to the super bowl for the first time in 49 years. Or it may be a siren song that destroys the entire Minnesota season, while delaying the possibility that he has a young franchise quarterback in the makeup.

After all, what does this Rogers want, and what the Vikings wants to come to it. Are the steellers and giants benefiting for Vikings? Does Vikings benefit for steellers or giants? Does the jinn realize that they have recently hosted Russell Wilson and Joe Filak, that they are the least likely to choose the team Rogers?

We will all wait. And until the Rogers talks for themselves on the matter, reports and rumors and speculations and candidates (or staged) beach images will continue.

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